The sialic acid-free M and N substances and glycopeptides from their pronase digest were treated with alkaline borohydride and products of degradation were fractionated. Galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine were split off during the degradation in the form of disaccharide : galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminitol, and it was accompanied by the release of amino acid components. The conclusion has been drawn that a part of carbohydrate moiety of M and N substances represents trisaccharides: N-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosamine, linked to serine and threonine residues in the peptide chain by an alkali-labile 0-glycosidic bond. The other type of oligosaccharides present in M and N substances is linked to peptide chain by an alkali-stabile bond and includes mannose, fucose, N-acetylglucosamine, the rest of sialic acid and galactose.The degraded M' and N' glycoproteins (M and N glycoproteins free of N-acetylneuraminic acid) did not inhibit the hemagglutination by Vicia graminea phytoagglutinins. The degraded native M and N substances were inactive towards both anti-M and anti-N rabbit immune sera, and anti-N phytoagglutinins from V . graminea, but they were still as good inhibitors of viral hemagglutination as untreated substances.The effect of alkali or alkaline borohydride on glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides has been widely studied and it has been shown that serine and threonine are destroyed if they are linked to carbohydrate by an 0-glycosidic linkage involving the anomeric group of a sugar and the hydroxyl group of the amino acid. When alkaline treatment is carried out in the presence of sodium borohydride, the unsaturated amino acids formed from the serine and threonine during the p-elimination reaction are in part reduced to alanine and a-aminobutyric acid, respectively; the sugar involved in the 0-glycosidic bond is reduced to the corresponding alcohol [i-5] pronase fragments, the fractionation of products obtained and their partial identification. The part of this study was reported a t the 6th FEBS Meeting in Madrid, 1969.
MaterialsThe M, N and MN blood group substances were prepared from human erythrocytes of group 0 by phenol extraction of ghosts [9]. Sialic acid was removed from isolated substances by hydrolysis with 0.05N H,SO, a t 80" for 60min, followed by neutralization with barium hydroxide, dialysis of the supernatant and lyophilization of the dialysate ; sialic acid-free preparations are referred to as M , N', and MN'. The sialic acid-free glycopeptides were obtained by pronase digestion of M , N', and MPU" blood group substances as described earlier [lo].Sephadex 6-25 was a product of Pharmacia (Uppsala), Bio-Gel P-6 and P-2 were produced by Calbiochem ; Cellulose MN for thin-layer chromatography was a product of Macherey-Nagel Co.
Colorimetric MethodsNeutral sugars were determined by the phenolsulfuric acid method [ i l l , specific determination of