In the experimental studies, ulexite and cashew were investigated as new materials in brake pads. A newly formulated brake-pad material with five different ingredients was produced using ulexite. Tribological properties of the friction materials were obtained using the brake-test equipment. The friction and wear characteristics of the samples in contact with a disk made of cast iron were studied. The change in the friction coefficient, the temperature of the friction surface and the amount of the wear were examined to assess the performance of these samples. In addition, microstructural characterizations of the braking pads were carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the friction materials containing ulexite and cashew have an important effect on the friction stability and fade resistance. The strategy proposed in this paper can be considered for the alternative friction materials where ulexite and cashew can be used as friction materials in the brake pads. Keywords: brake pad, composite materials, friction coefficient, ulexite, cashew Preiskovan je bil vpliv uleksita in prahu iz indijskega oreha kot novega materiala v zavornih oblogah. Novo zasnovani material za zavorne obloge iz petih sestavin je bil izdelan z uporabo uleksita. Tribolo{ke lastnosti tornega materiala so bile preizku{ene na napravi za preizkus zavor. Preu~evano je bilo trenje in zna~ilnosti obrabe vzorcev v stiku z diskom iz sive litine. Za oceno zmogljivosti vzorcev so bile preiskane spremembe koeficienta trenja, izmerjena temperatura na povr{ini stika in koli~ina obrabe. Z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) so bile dodatno preiskane mikrostrukturne zna~ilnosti zavornih oblog. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo torni materiali, ki vsebujejo uleksit in prah indijskega oreha, pomemben vpliv na stabilnost trenja in odpornost proti odpovedi zavor pri vi{jih temperaturah. V tem~lanku predlagana usmeritev se lahko upo{teva kot nadomestni torni material za zavorne obloge na osnovi uleksita in prahu iz indijskega oreha. Klju~ne besede: zavorne obloge, kompozitni material, koeficient trenja, uleksit, prah iz indijskega oreha