“…most Americans do not have a dermatologist, few of them are screened for melanoma, most of them make frequent visits to their GP, most patients with melanoma have seen a physician in the year before diagnosis, many melanomas are not easily visible to patients), all are transposable to the French population and probably also to the populations of many developed countries. In France, a country counting 64 million inhabitants, 3400 dermatologists and 101 500 GPs at the beginning of the century, we recently brought to light an important decline in dermatologists as first medical caregivers to patients with melanoma between the years 2004 and 2008 . This may be explained both by an annual reduction in the number of dermatologists of about 6% since 2002, and by the modification of French legislation in 2004 which limited direct access to specialists, including dermatologists, and encouraged patients first to consult their referent GP .…”