Escherichia coli requires nickel under anaerobic growth conditions for the synthesis of catalytically active NiFe hydrogenases. Transcription of the NikABCDE nickel transporter, which is required for NiFe hydrogenase synthesis, was previously shown to be upregulated by FNR (fumarate-nit rate regulator) in the absence of oxygen and repressed by the NikR repressor in the presence of high extracellular nickel levels. We present here a detailed analysis of nikABCDE transcriptional regulation and show that it closely correlates with hydrogenase expression levels. We identify a nitrate-dependent mechanism for nikABCDE repression that is linked to the NarLX two-component system. NikR is functional under all nickel conditions tested, but its activity is modulated by the total nickel concentration present as well as by one or more components of the hydrogenase assembly pathway. Unexpectedly, NikR function is independent of NikABCDE function, suggesting that NikABCDE is a hydrogenase-specific nickel transporter, consistent with its original identification as a hydrogenase (hyd) mutant. Further, the results suggest that the hydrogenase assembly pathway is sequestered within the cell. A second nickel import pathway in E. coli is implicated in NikR function.Several energetically difficult reactions, such as nitrogen or carbon fixation, are catalyzed by enzymes with complex metal cofactors (26). A striking feature of the synthesis of these enzymes is the requirement of intricate assembly pathways that utilize several protein cofactors to ensure the fidelity of catalytic-site assembly (18). Metalloenzyme expression levels can be tightly regulated in response to changes in environmental conditions; for example, the nitrogenase operon is induced by nitrogen availability but repressed in the presence of oxygen (14). This shifting metabolism, combined with the biosynthetic cost of making these enzymes, means that the transcriptional regulation of these pathways is both necessary and complex. Cells are unlikely to synthesize large quantities of apoenzyme in the absence of the required cofactor(s), just as they are unlikely to expend the energy necessary to synthesize the transporter and accessory proteins necessary for cofactor assembly when the apoenzyme is not being expressed.Escherichia coli exhibits a complex transcriptional response to growth conditions at low oxygen tensions (38). Respiration still occurs, but at lower energetic yield, and it requires the presence of an alternative electron acceptor, such as nitrate, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), or fumarate, and a corresponding terminal reductase (2,16,32,42). E. coli can also ferment carbon sources in the absence of a suitable electron acceptor. E. coli expresses NiFe hydrogenases under anaerobic growth conditions (1, 5, 27, 29, 38) when energetic yields are low, for example, during fermentation or with low-energy-yield electron acceptors such as fumarate. Hydrogenases 1 and 2 (expressed by hya and hyb, respectively) oxidize H 2 in the presence of ...