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AbstractThrough a structured narrative review of the literature, we have identified a wide range of factors influencing child and adolescent mortality in high income countries. These can be conceptualised within the four domains of intrinsic factors, the physical environment, the social environment, and service delivery factors. The most prominent factors in the literature are socio-economic gradients, although the mechanisms through which these gradients exert their effects are complex, affecting all four domains, and often poorly understood. While some factors are relatively fixed, including the child's gender, age, ethnicity and inherent genetic make-up, some parental characteristics, and some wider 3 environmental conditions, others may be amenable to interventions that could lessen risks and help to prevent future child deaths. A number of examples of systemic health service factors that may impact child survival are given, along with interventions such as modifications to the physical or social environmental that may impact more distal factors.