“…This outcome was associated to an induction of apoptosis determined by Annexin-V staining and TdT-mediated UTP-biotin Nick End labelling (TUNEL) assay, which was blocked by the specific H 4 R antagonist JNJ7777120. Also H 4 R agonists exerted a 2.5-fold increase in the cell senescence while reduced migration (Medina et al, 2008(Medina et al, , 2010c(Medina et al, , 2011b. Furthermore, histamine differentially regulates expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinases, cell migration and invasiveness through H 2 R and H 4 R in MDA-MB-231 cells modulating H 2 O 2 intracellular levels (Cricco et al, 2011).…”