The BRICS countries are undergoing a decisive economic and social transition towards a knowledge-based economy. In this new economy, innovation activities are the cornerstone of economic dynamics and mechanisms of value creation. Therefore, the construction and development process of NISsis an essential element in the process of transformation towards a knowledge-based economy and strengthening the competitive position of BRICS countries globally. This study aims to analyze the factors' structure of NISs in the BRICS countries, taking into account that these countries are undergoing a rapid and radical change in terms of national economic models. It also aims to analyze NIS impacts on the key economic and social development indicators. In order to achieve these objectives, we analyzed a set of indicators of NISs that reflect the main dimensions of these systems: innovation, institutional, infrastructural and educational dimensions. In addition to an economic and social development dimension in these countries during the period 2000-2015. Regarding the methodology, the panel data analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the dimensions of NISs and the economic performance in the BRICS countries combined. The results showed that there are structural differences among the BRICS countries in terms of NISs dimensions. Where the Russian innovation system is the best national innovation system among the BRICS countries, while the innovation system in India has the lowest performance. The analysis of the overall relationship between the dimensions of NISs and economic performance showed a significant positive relationship. While the partial analysis in each country showed clear structural differences among studied countries. Where there was generally a weakness in the innovation and institutional dimension in these countries. Keywords: national innovation system, knowledge-based economy, emerging economies, BRICS countries, economic and social development. DOI: 10.17586/2310DOI: 10.17586/ -1172DOI: 10.17586/ -2018 Сравнительный анализ структур национальных инновационных систем и их влияние на экономическое развитие (Свидетельства из стран БРИКС) Альнафра Ибрагим ИТМО 197101, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Кронверкский пр.,49 Канд. экон. наук Найми Касем
Университет ДамаскаДамаск, Альпарамке
Ахмад Мара
Университет ИТМО 197101, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Кронверкский пр.,49Страны БРИКС претерпевают решающий экономический и социальный переход к экономике, основанной на знаниях. В этой новой экономике инновационная деятельность является основным компонентом Научный журнал НИУ ИТМО. Серия Экономика и экологический менеджмент № 1, 2018 14 экономической динамики и механизмов создания стоимости. Поэтому процесс построения и развития национальной инновационной системы является важным элементом процесса перехода к экономике знаний, и усиления конкурентной позиции стран БРИКС во всем мире. Это исследование направлено на анализ структуры факторо...