Metilmercúrio (MeHg) e mercúrio total (Hg) foram determinados em amostras de água e peixe coletadas em dois reservatórios da Amazônia Brasileira, que apresentam diferentes características limnológicas e ecológicas. As amostras de água de Tucuruí, reservatório mesotrófico com águas claras, apresentaram a concentração de Hg (12,7 ± 8,4 ng L ), an oligotrophic reservoir with black water. Neither Cichla spp. (piscivorous fish), nor Geophagus surinamensis (omnivorous fish) presented significant differences in length-normalized concentrations of MeHg and Hg in muscle, between both reservoirs. MeHg and Hg increased with body weight and standard length of Cichla spp., and also with the trophic level on the food chain. The Hg bioconcentration factor (BCF) increased with the trophic level of the fish, from the omnivorous (10 3 ) to piscivorous fish (10 4 ). Fish from Balbina, an ecosystem naturally rich in dissolved organic matter, presented the highest BCF. Not only the different limnological and ecological characteristics but also the feeding habits seem to influence the mercury concentration in fish.