Purpose – Psychological contracts are of paramount importance in organisa-tions as they determine if the objectives of the organisation will be met successfully. They determine if the culture within the organisation will be conducive for the attainment of the predetermined goals. This study scruti-nised the significance of making employees feel involved in every decision and action taken that involved their jobs, if it had any effect in the fulfilment of those psychological contracts. Aim – The main objective of the study is to investigate the influence em-ployee involvement has on the fulfilment of the psychological contracts within the public TVET college. Design/methodology/approach – An online questionnaire was adminis-tered to a sample of 113 Mnambithi TVET college employees at Ladysmith campus, as well as the central administration office. Findings - The sample was chosen using a stratified sampling method. 92 questionnaires were returned with responses. For the analyses and inter-pretation descriptive analysis, mean standard deviation and corelation have been used. In computing the results to test the relationship between in-volvement and psychological contract fulfilment, a correlation coefficient was used as a measure. Limitation of the study – The limitations of this research project were that it was only conducted in one college in KZN and due to logistical hindrances, only one campus and a central administration office were used in selecting the sample. As a critical point of discussion, the effect employee involve-ment has on psychological contracts fulfilment could be tested throughout all colleges in the province or even in the country. Future Research- Further research on the following can be suggested as further limitations of this research output.If employee involvement has a causal effect on psychological contract fulfilment. The degree of involve-ment in different ranks in the institution (for example, between managers and subordinates). How psychological contracts fulfilment affects turnover rate in the TVET sector. Originality/value – The results of the data analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the two constructs.