Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is one of the most powerful techniques for the analysis of surface reconstructions at the atomic scale. It utilizes a sharp tip, which is brought close to the surface with a bias voltage applied between the tip and the sample. The value of the tunneling current, flowing between the tip and the sample, is determined by the structure of the surface and the tip, the bias voltage, and the tipsample distance. By scanning the tip over the surface, a tunneling current map is produced, which reflects the local atomic and electronic structures. This chapter focuses on the role of the tip-surface distance in ultrahigh vacuum STM experiments with atomic and subatomic resolution. At small distances, i.e., comparable with interatomic distances in solids, the interaction between the tip and the surface atoms can modify their electronic structure changing the symmetry of the atomically resolved STM images and producing unusual features at the subatomic scale. These features are related to changes of the relative contribution of different electron orbitals of the tip and the surface atoms at varying distances.