The immersed-Bz diode is being developed as a high-brightness, flash x-ray radiography source at Sandia National Laboratories. This diode is a foil-less electron-beam diode with a long, thin, needlelike cathode which is inserted into the bore of a solenoid. The solenoidal magnetic field guides the electron beam emitted from the cathode to the anode while maintaining a small beam radius. The electron beam strikes a thin, high-atomic-number anode and produces forward-directed bremsstrahlung. In addition, electron beam heating of the anode produces surface plasmas allowing ion emission. Two different operating regimes for this diode have been identified: A nominal operating regime where the total diode current is characterized as classically bipolar with stable impedance [see D. C. Rovang et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 113107 (2007)] and an anomalous operating regime characterized by a rapid impedance collapse where the total diode current greatly exceeds the bipolar limit. The operating regimes are approximately separated by cathode diameters greater than 3mm for the nominal regime and less than 3mm for the anomalous impedance collapse regime. Results from a comprehensive series of experiments conducted at 4–5MV characterizing the transition from this nominal operating regime to the anomalous operating regime as the cathode diameter is reduced are presented. Results from experiments investigating the effects of anode-cathode gap, anode material, and cryogenic modification of the anode surface are also presented. Although these investigations were unsuccessful in completely mitigating the anomalous behavior, insight gained from these experiments has elucidated several key physics issues that are discussed.