The behavior of zakat, infaq, and alms is very important for a person to get Muslim the truehappiness that is the happiness of the world and the hereafter. Religiosity is one of the factorsthat affect the happiness of a muslim. But the happiness it brings should be accompanied by thebehavior of the zakah, infaq, and alms. This research aims to know the influence of religiosityagainst the muslim's happiness and to find out whether the behavior of the zakat, infak and almsto moderate the relationship between religiosity with muslim‘s happiness.This research includedin this type of research quantitative research design with causality and using paradigms ofpositivistic method. The population in this research is muzakki and sampling using a purposivesampling that is as much as 100 respondents muzakki in LAZ Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta. Dataanalysis using regression analysis techniques Weight Least Squares.The results of this researchshow that religiosity effect significantly to the muslim's happiness. The behavior of the zakat,infaq, and alms was able to moderate positive relationship of religiosity with happiness muslim.