For the short-term creep behavior to be evaluated and the creep mechanism of P91 heat-resistant steels at low stresses and high temperatures to be clarified, stress-change testing was conducted with a "helicoidal-spring creep test" demonstrating a high strain resolution. The creep deformation consists of the primary creep stage, whereas no secondary creep stage was observed. Blackburn's law was suggested to be the best choice for a short-term-creep-behavior description because it provides a good representation of an experimental creep curve. An anelastic backflow at a low stress was confirmed, following a high reduction in the stress. The absolute value of the instantaneous strain for a load increase was equal to the value for a load decrease and the creep of the P91 steels at low stresses might have been controlled by the viscous glide of dislocations. Keywords: P91 heat-resistant steel, creep, anelastic, stress change Da bi bilo mo~oceniti kratkotrajno lezenje in njegov mehanizem toplotno obstojnega jekla P91 pri nizkih napetostih in visokih temperaturah, so bili izvedeni preizkusi spremembe napetosti z uporabo t.i. testa spiralne vzmeti, ki omogo~a veliko lo~ljivost deformacije. Deformacija lezenja sestoji iz primarne in sekundarne faze lezenja, vendar sekundarne faze niso analizirali oz. opazovali. Blackburnov zakon je najbolj uporaben zakon za opis obna{anja jekla med kratkotrajnim lezenjem, ker se z njim najbolj pribli`amo rezultatom, dobljenim z eksperimenti. Neelasti~ni povratni tok pri nizki napetosti je bil potrjen z ve~jim zmanj{anjem napetosti. Zaradi absolutne vrednosti trenutne deformacije za dano obremenitev je bil narastek deformacije enak zmanj{anju obremenitve, medtem ko je lezenje pri nizkih napetostih jekla P91 kontrolirano z viskoznim drsenjem dislokacij. Klju~ne besede: P91 jeklo za delo v vro~em, lezenje, neelasti~nost, sprememba napetosti