Mathematical statements involving both universal and existential quantifiers occur frequently in advanced mathematics. Despite their prevalence, mathematics students often have difficulties interpreting and proving quantified statements. Through task-based interviews, this study took a qualitative look at undergraduate mathematics students' interpretations and proof-attempts for mathematical statements involving multiple quantifiers. The findings of this study suggest that statements of the form "There exists . . . for all . . ." (which can be referred to as EA statements) evoked a larger variety of interpretations than statements of the form "For all . . . there exists . . ." (AE statements). Furthermore, students' proof techniques for such statements, at times, unintentionally altered the students' interpretations of these statements. The results of this study suggest that being confronted with both the EA and AE versions of a statement may help some students determine the correct mathematical meanings of such statements. Moreover, knowledge of the structure of the mathematical language and the use of formal logic may be useful tools for students in proving such mathematical statements.Quantification is an important component of the mathematical language. Two commonly used quantifiers in mathematics are the universal quantifier ( ) and the existential quantifier ( ). Common phrases used to express the universal quantifier are "for all", "for every", and "for each", such as in the example, "For all x in the real numbers, x 2 > 0". Phrases frequently used to represent the existential quantifier are "there exists", "there is", and "there is at least one", such as in the example, "There exists a real number x, such that x 2 = 5".Mathematical statements involving both universal and existential quantifiers occur frequently in advanced mathematics. Calculus students often face mathematical statements involving multiple quantifiers when studying limits and continuity. Students continuing to study mathematics beyond calculus will see such statements again in nearly all their further mathematics classes, for example the division algorithm in number theory, the definition of a group in abstract algebra, the definition of open and closed sets in topology, and convergence of functions in analysis, just to name a few. Although some textbook authors write such definitions and theorems in ways that avoid using multiple quantifiers explicitly, the underlying structure remains the same. Despite the prevalence of quantified