Inhibitors of the energy metabolism, such as sodium azide and valinomycin, render yeast cells completely resistant against the killing action of a number of cationic antimicrobial peptides, including the salivary antimicrobial peptide Histatin 5. In this study the Histatin 5-mediated killing of the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans was used as a model system to comprehensively investigate the molecular basis underlying this phenomenon. Using confocal and electron microscopy it was demonstrated that the energy poison azide reversibly blocked the entry of Histatin 5 at the level of the yeast cell wall. Azide treatment hardly induced depolarization of the yeast cell membrane potential, excluding it as a cause of the lowered sensitivity. In contrast, the diminished sensitivity to Histatin 5 of energy-depleted C. albicans was restored by increasing the fluidity of the membrane using the membrane fluidizer benzyl alcohol. Furthermore, rigidification of the membrane by incubation at low temperature or in the presence of the membrane rigidifier Me 2 SO increased the resistance against Histatin 5, while not affecting the energy charge of the cell. In line, azide induced alterations in the physical state of the interior of the lipid bilayer. These data demonstrate that changes in the physical state of the membrane underlie the increased resistance to antimicrobial peptides.In the last few decades an expanding number of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from virtually all classes of organisms, where they play an important role in the innate defense against microbial and viral infections. Characterization of these peptides has revealed a wide diversity in amino acid sequences, yet they share characteristic features; they are usually polycationic and amphipathic, containing both a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic side. This promotes their insertion into and transmigration over the cytoplasmic membrane of the target cell, with killing of the cell as a final consequence. Interestingly, cellular sensitivity to cationic proteins and peptides such as salivary histatins and defensins is diminished by conditions that affect the energy status of the target cell (1-6). This effect is not restricted to cationic peptides, because azoles are also sensitive to the energy status of Candida glabrata (7). In Chlorella metabolic inhibition abolishes the membrane-disruptive effects of the polyene nystatin and even of the detergent Triton X-100 (8). As explanation for the desensitizing effects of energy depletion, it has been proposed that interaction of cationic peptides with the target cell would involve active transport systems, which for their activity are dependent on the energy charge of the cell (1, 9 -12). However, direct experimental proof corroborating this hypothesis is still lacking.The present study addresses the question of how on a molecular level the energy metabolism is linked with the sensitivity of the Candida cell to antimicrobial peptides. Thus far, many different types of mechanisms have been identified that contr...