This article provides information on the problems and prospects of production processes based on microalgae and macrophytes in the conditions of Uzbekistan. The research works conducted in Uzbekistan on the use of microalgae in fisheries, the importance of microalgae in the cultivation of zooplankton, wastewater treatment based on higher algae, that is, macrophytes, and the use of Azolla and small ryaska in the production of feed and supplements are described. Based on research, the dependence of protein and fat storage, which determines the nutritional value of microalgae, was studied on the generations of microalgae, and it was noted that the accumulation of protein and fat by microalgae differed sharply from each other in the Chu-13 feed medium. According to the obtained results, it is recommended to use Botryococcus and Chlorococcum genera strains in obtaining feed with complete nutritional content for the aquaculture industry. Also, in this research work, microalgae (Botryococcus, Chlorococcum), which are one of the essential links in the food chain of zooplanktons used as a live feed, are recommended as a natural food source in the artificial cultivation of zooplanktons. New nutrient media was developed based on mixtures of macrophytes Lemna minor L. flour (protein -16.10%), wheat bran (protein -14.2%), and Azolla carolina L. (protein -27.6%). Also, as a result of the implementation of the technology of industrial cultivation of Lemna minor macrophyte, the composition of expensive feed products such as wheat flour, wheat bran, corn flour, and soybean meal, is used for the cultivation of nutritious insects and macrophytes, which are non-traditional sources of food, was improved based on azolla and small ryaska. It is also recommended for the biological treatment of chromium-contaminated wastewater based on highalgae Azolla. In particular, it was noted that the tolerance of higher algae to chromium is different. In studies of the tolerance of different types of higher algae to chromium, it was noted that Azolla is somewhat resistant to other higher algae in the experiment.