The author presents the results of an empirical study of individual psychological characteristics and image of the world of adolescents. The study used the following methods: multi-Factor personality questionnaire 14PF (Sixteen Personaflity Factor Questionnaire, 14pf) Cattell (teen version), projective test "Image of the world". The study involved 50 older adolescents aged 14-15 years. Statistical analysis of data was carried out using the programs Statistica-6. When analyzing the data, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used. The results of the study showed the presence of direct and inverse correlations between the indicators of the techniques used. A meaningful analysis of the relationships showed that adolescents with a complex image of the world and a high level of self-control are more pronounced depressive tendency, guilt, self-doubt and depressed mood. Teenagers with a simple image of the world and a low level of self-control are calm, trusting, serene, confident in themselves and their loved ones. Egocentrique, excitable, demanding, overactive, and unruly teenagers characterize the social image of the world in a positive way. Restrained, cautious, inert, self-critical teenagers tend to evaluate the image of the world more negatively. Emotionally sensitive teenagers with low self-control perceive the image of the world as powerful, strong, and the individual image of the world as fragile, weak and defenseless. Teenagers with low emotional sensitivity and a high level of selfcontrol perceive the social image of the world as fragile, weak and defenseless, and their individual image of the world as powerful, strong, strong. Emotionally sensitive teenagers with a low level of self-control perceive the social image of the world as dynamic, and their individual image of the world as static.