Introduction: Preventive and interceptive orthodontics, emphasizes on reduction of later need for complex orthodontic treatment. This thus increases the comprehensiveness of healthcare and help in strengthening the primary care. In literature, there is no comparison between the preventive and interceptive treatment needs in patients belonging to growing age (6-9 years) and those belonging to non-growing age (9.1-12 years). There is a need to compare these finding according to the age group.
The present study aims to utilize the IPION to quantify the proportion of central Indian children who would gain from the preventive and interceptive orthodontics.
Materials and Methods: The study will be conducted in the Department of Orthodontics, SPDC, Wardha in collaboration with Department of Public Health Dentistry, SPDC, Wardha. Total 383 patient in age group of 6 to 12 years, will be selected. All the features of the IPION-6 and IPION-9 will be recorded, and the variables will be multiplied by weighting factors according to the instructions of the original study by Coetzee. All the features of IPION-12 will be recorded, and the variables will be multiplied by weighting factors.
Expected Results: There will be a decrease in the need of orthodontic treatment in patients who have completed the age of 9 years.