ParA superfamily ͉ polymerization ͉ plasmid partition ͉ ATPase T he precise distribution of newly replicated genomes to progeny cells is imperative for stable transmission of genetic information. In bacteria, the most well characterized segregation mechanisms are specified by low-copy-number plasmids. These systems most frequently comprise two plasmid-encoded proteins, often termed ParA and ParB, that assemble on a cis-acting centromeric site. ParB directly binds the centromere, whereas ParA is recruited by interactions with ParB. The resulting segrosome complex is a positioning apparatus that localizes the attached plasmids to specific subcellular addresses (1, 2).The segregation locus of multidrug-resistance plasmid TP228 in Escherichia coli consists of the parF and parG genes and nearby parH centromere (3). ParG (8.6 kDa) is the prototype of a class of small proteins involved in accurate segregation that are unrelated phylogenetically to ParB, but that fulfil analogous functions as centromere-binding factors (1,4,5). ParG is dimeric, with symmetric C-terminal domains that interleave into a ribbon-helixhelix fold that is crucial for DNA binding, and unstructured N-terminal tails (4, 6). Additional to its role as a centromerebinding protein, ParG is a transcriptional repressor of the parFG genes: transient associations between the flexible and folded domains in complex with target DNA modulate organization of a higher-order complex critical for transcriptional repression (7).The ParA superfamily of ATPases, widely encoded by both chromosomes and plasmids, is characterized by a variant Walkertype ATP-binding motif (8). ParF (22.0 kDa) epitomizes one clade of the superfamily (3). In common with other ParA proteins, ParF is a weak ATPase whose nucleotide hydrolysis is enhanced Ϸ30-fold by ParG (9). ATP binding and/or hydrolysis by ParA proteins has long been recognized as a crucial facet of the segregation process, although its mechanistic purpose was uncertain (10-12). We have recently shown that ATP binding stimulates the polymerization of ParF into extensive multistranded filaments, whereas ADP antagonizes filamentation. ParG is another key modulator of polymerization (9). Mutagenesis of the ATP-binding site in Parf perturbed DNA segregation in vivo, ATP hydrolysis, and polymerization. We envisage that segrosome formation is initiated by site-specific binding of ParG to parH, generating paired complexes of specific topology. ParF is then recruited. ParF polymerization within the complex is controlled by nucleotide binding, by ParG-mediated stimulation of ATP hydrolysis, by remodeling effects of ParG, and, more speculatively, by cell cycle signals. Polymerization, or depolymerization, invokes separation of paired plasmids and their segregation in opposite poleward directions (1, 9).Arginine fingers stimulate nucleotide hydrolysis by NTPases through the action of an arginine side chain inserted into the catalytic niche (13,14). The arginine stabilizes the transition state through neutralization of negative charge...