The aim of this study is to determine the effect of reading interest, and learning environment on Indonesian language learning achievement, both individually and collectively in fifth grade elementary school students in Cluster 01 Kretek Bantul. This research was carried out in the Kretek District of Bantul in the 2021/2022 academic year. The research population is all class V SDN in cluster 01 who are registered in the 2021/2021 academic year totaling 112 students. The research sample was taken using proportional random sampling technique totaling 91 students. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and documents. Questionnaires are used to collect data on reading interest, and learning environment, documentation is used to collect data on Indonesian language learning achievement. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively, using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study found (1) there was an effect of reading interest on Indonesian learning achievement with a regression coefficient of 1.729 at p = 0.000, (2) there was no positive influence of the learning environment on Indonesian learning achievement with a regression coefficient of .476 at p = 0.905, (3) There is an effect of interest in reading and the learning environment together on students' Indonesian learning outcomes with an F of 10,184 at p = 0.00 meaning that the higher the interest in reading and the learning environment, the higher the learning achievement of Indonesian language students in class V SD Negeri Se-Cluster 01 Kretek District, Bantul.