Based on the Hullian proposition that habit and drive combine, the effects of stress on the Stroop Color-Word Test were investigated in 48 college students, under the expectation that stress lVould effect performance differentially, depending upon the nature of the incongruous stimuli. Significant main effects, stress and competition, as well as their interaction, were found.stroop (1935), observing that it takes more time to name colors than to read color llames (Brown, 1915;Lund, 1927;Ligon, 1932), proposed a technique for investigating the interfering effect of the presence of conflicting word stimuli upon naming colors (e.g., the word "blue" is printed on the color red, the task being to name the color of the ink and ignore the word). The series of tasks has proved discriminative in studies attempting to elaborate cognitive styles (Broverman & Lazarus, 1958;Broverman, 1960), in studies comparing groups which are ordered developmentally (Comalli, Wapner, & Werner, 1962;Schiller, 1966), and in Ss under primitivizing drugs vs placebo conditions (Wapner & Krus, 1960).The present study sought to vary the strength of the incorrect competing response relative to the correct response by varying the relationship between color and text. Word meanings that implicate the colors should be more interfering than simply meaningful but unrelated words; words referring directly to color should be more interfering than connotatively related words; greatest of all should be the interference of words that are themselves the names of the printed color names (Klein, 1964). Stress was applied in the form of introducing time pressures into the task. In the stress condition, the Shad 1 sec to respond, while in the nonstress condition, he had 2 sec. If, on the basis of Hull's (1943) original assumption that all momentarily operative motivational factors or drives (D) combine indiscriminately with all existing habitual tendencies (H) that are aroused by the stimulus situation to produce response strength (E), the stimulus situation gives rise to more than one response; the effects of increased drive, according to this assumption, are expected to depend on the strength of the to-be-Iearned (correct) response relative to other competing (incorrect) responses. Thus, where the correct response (naming the color) has a lower habit strength than the competing response (reading the color word), high drive (stress) would be predicted to be detrimental to performance.Psychon. Sci., 1967. Vol. 9 (8)
SIDNEY H. HOCHMAN QUEENS COLLEGE, CUNYFour different lists of words were used. Each word was printed either in red, blue, or green. In List I, the words were the same as the color names, but presented in incongruent combinations of color and word ("blue" printed in red); in List 2 they were different words of the same response class (tan, gray, blaCk); in List 3, they were words that are not themselves color names but implicate the colors in their meaning (sky, fire, grass) and were presented in incongruent combinations with the colors; and in...