Echocardiographic techniques are becoming more widespread for evaluating patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease. Because it affords an excellent overall view of the heart, two-dimensional echocardiography, rather than M-mode echocardiography, is the imaging procedure of choice when dealing with coronary artery disease. This technique can be used to make the initial diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, diagnose complications, and assess prognosis following myocardial infarction. Additionally by combining this test with stress testing, latent coronary artery disease can be detected. Recovery of wall motion can be assessed following interventions such as thrombolysis or balloon angioplasty. Investigational and future uses include tissue characterization, which may allow detection of ischemic but potentially viable myocardium, direct coronary visualization for detection of atherosclerotic involvement of the proximal coronary arteries and myocardial contrast echocardiography. The latter technique allows visualization of perfusion by way of injecting contrast material into the coronary circulation. This has been demonstrated to be an accurate means of determining myocardial infarction size in an animal model and is currently being used in a number of centers in patients at the time of cardiac catheterization. In summary two-dimensional echocardiography currently allows assessment of patients with myocardial infarction from the time of their presentation through their convalescent period with respect to diagnosis, prognosis and presence of complications. Exercise echocardiography can diagnose latent coronary artery disease. The newer investigational techniques show promise for furthering our ability to evaluate patients with coronary artery disease using echocardiography.