For the purpose of returning to Earth And I do not call one a Brahmana on account of his birth or of his origin from (a particular) mother; (but) the one who is possessed of nothing and seizes upon nothing, him I call a Brahmana.The man who is free from anger, endowed with (holy) works, virtuous, without desire, subdued, and wearing the last body (antimasarira), him I call a Brahmana.The man who is not hostile amongst the hostile, who is peaceful amongst the violent, not seizing (upon anything) amongst those that seize (upon everything), him I call a Brahmana.Whosoever has passed over this quagmire dicult to pass, (who has passed over) revolution (samsara) and folly, who has crossed over, who has reached the other shore, who is meditative, free from desire and doubt, calm without seizing (upon anything), him I call a Brahmana. Sutta Nipata, Book 3, Chapter 9
AcknowledgementsThis thesis is the record of my four years' exploration into a new world and myself.