Abstract.Results described herein provide insight regarding certain features of gamete RNA and how they compare to cumulus cell RNA. In particular, 28S/18S rRNA ratio and size distribution of RNA molecules differed in total RNA from oocytes versus surrounding cumulus cells. Specifically, oocyte total RNA had a lower rRNA ratio and an increased abundance of smaller RNA sizes compared to RNA from surrounding cumulus. Extensive efforts demonstrated that observed differences were repeatable whether oocyte maturation occurred in vitro or in vivo, and were similar between the nuclear stages examined. Features of oocyte RNA were conserved across six mammalian species, yet differed from surrounding cumulus. Profiles of sperm RNA were also examined but had no discernible ribosomal RNA peaks and were conserved across four mammalian species. Because the oocyte and spermatozoon are highly specialized cells representing unique molecular entities required for proper embryo development, dissimilarities described herein likely represent real gamete versus cumulus RNA differences. Key words: Bioanalyzer, Cumulus, Oocyte, RNA, Sperm (J. Reprod. Dev. 56: [583][584][585][586][587][588][589][590][591][592] 2010) pon resumption of meiosis and germinal vesicle breakdown, oocytes become transcriptionally quiescent and must rely upon pools of RNA accumulated during the growth phase for protein synthesis [1]. Transcriptional inactivity and reliance upon maternal RNA stores persist until after fertilization and, in some species, until the third cleavage division [2]. In our laboratory, stress-induced perturbations in the total amount of polyadenylated RNA in oocytes during maturation were coincident with reductions in developmental competence [3]. Before performing microarray analyses to identify the impact on individual transcripts, assessment of RNA integrity was an important first step. To this end, initial efforts using microcapillary electrophoresis suggested differences between oocyte and cumulus RNA [4]. The first notable difference was that the rRNA ratio of total RNA from oocytes was significantly less than that observed in total RNA from their surrounding cumulus cells. A second notable feature was that oocyte RNA appeared to have an increased abundance of smaller RNA sizes.This serendipitous finding led us to conduct a series of investigations to address the extent to which certain features of oocyte RNA differ from surrounding cumulus, which are more somatic cell-like. In this regard, extensive effort was taken to determine whether RNA features were oocyte-specific or an artifact related to procedures or origin (i.e., from oocytes of antral follicles not otherwise destined to ovulate). Specifically, bovine oocyte RNA from different stages of in vitro maturation was evaluated in retrospect using data originating from different studies. When available, cumulus RNA characteristics were also included for comparison to RNA from oocytes. Additional effort was then put forth to examine 1) conservation of certain oocyte RNA feature...