This qualitative study investigates the essential attributes required for successful rural tourism entrepreneurship. A series of focus group interviews with rural tourism professionals in Italy, Spain, and Türkiye was employed. The data collected identified five central themes: the attractive aspects of rural tourism entrepreneurship, the necessary competencies for a rural tourism entrepreneur, the training/support needed, barriers encountered, and the utilization of rural elements in tourism. The study finds that rural tourism provides numerous benefits, including economic and social growth, cultural exchange, and a close connection with nature. However, to harness these benefits, entrepreneurs need diverse skills, including knowledge of economics, tourism, legislation, and marketing. Additionally, they require specific training and support to navigate potential barriers like administrative procedures and high financial costs. The study's findings provide valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the field. Despite its focus on three countries, it allows further research to incorporate a wider range of perspectives and geographical contexts.