How can secondary mathematics teachers enact learning experiences that are mathematically captivating (i.e., lessons that draw students in, spur student curiosity, and motivate students to engage and anticipate how the lesson will end)? Unfortunately, evidence suggests that captivating experiences for high school mathematics students are not common. For example, the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) survey shows that a majority of 8th graders (55%) describe mathematics learning as typically not engaging or interesting and that this problem is increasingly worsening over time (National Center for Education Statistics, 2015).Fortunately, there are efforts to shift the student experience in secondary mathematical lessons so that students are motivated to ask and answer mathematical questions (e.g., 3-Act Plays). Connecting the designs of lessons that are mathematically captivating with student perceptions of these lessons (i.e., learning why and how they captivate students) could support the development of curriculum and instructional strategies that shift long-term student attitudes. However, existing tools that measure mathematics students' perceptions focus on general dispositions, but not lesson-specific attitudes; even when a mathematical lesson spurs positive student emotions, we do not yet have a tool designed to measure it.This paper describes our efforts to design and test a survey that can enable us to reliably measure students' perceptions (i.e., interesting, boring) of a mathematics lesson. As part of a larger study, this survey was developed to enable researchers to connect how students describe their experiences (i.e., "exciting") with the designs of mathematical lessons. This tool will enable researchers to identify and study lessons that secondary students indicate are mathematically captivating learning experiences (what we will refer to as MCLEs).
Theoretical FrameworkTypically, when students report "I like math," they are describing an enduring, long-term interest in mathematics (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). In contrast, we are interested in learning about students' momentary attraction toward the content (e.g., during a lesson), which is more reflective of situated interest (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). Although characteristics of lesson experiences that relate to situated interest are relatively unknown, some evidence has shown that incongruity, surprise, and novelty are particularly influential (Matarazzo, Durik, & Delaney, 2010).Situated interest is only one dimension of the potential emotional effects a particular experience can offer. The way in which a mathematical lesson moves an individual also involves reactions to beauty, exciting action, and suspense--aspects of an experience that we refer to as aesthetic dimensions (Dewey, 1934;Dietiker, 2016;Sinclair, 2001). Researchers are beginning to explore how to design and enact what Sinclair (2001) calls "aesthetically-rich" mathematical experiences, which are those that "enable children to wonder, to notice, to imagine alternati...