The purpose of this research to examine the influence of servant leadership on employees' behavior of Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) Main Branch. This research uses hypothesis testing method, analyzed by simple regression method. The data were collected from 137 employees using the census method. The results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that there is a positive influence of servant leadership on: work engagement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The current study contributed to the servant leadership by determining driving forces that encourage employee work engagement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. The company should improve servant leadership by providing leadership training because this will able to make leaders have a tendency to prioritize the interests and aspirations of the people they lead. To increase work engagement, the company is obliged to give employees the opportunity to express their opinion so that employees feel part of the organization. To increase organisational commitment, leaders should adhere to human values because it will foster higher employee loyalty in return. To improve organisational citizenship behavior, leaders and employees should have friendly and intimate interpersonal relationships so that they can increase employee work motivation.