Purpose -This research aims to investigate the behavior of consumers towards the implementation of mobile payment services, factors that can aff ect their attitudes towards this behavior, and how these attitudes transform into intentions.Methodology -A survey instrument was developed using items developed in similar studies. In total, 335 usable responses were used to do a series of statistical tests aimed at confi rming the reliability and validity of the instrument. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling.Findings and Implications -Our results showed that perceived compatibility, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm are signifi cant predictors of consumer attitude towards the use of mobile payment services, whereas the impact of perceived security and perceived ease on attitude is insignifi cant. Finally, attitude towards mobile payment services have a signifi cant impact on intention to use mobile payment services. This research contributes to the development of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in general, as well as in the context of mobile payment services. It tests TAM's explanatory ability and suggests new variables as model extensions.
SažetakSvrha -Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti ponašanje potrošača prema implementaciji usluga mobilnoga plaća-nja, čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na stav prema tom ponašanju te kako se taj stav pretvara u namjeru ponašanja.Metodološki pristup -Mjerni je instrument oblikovan korištenjem čestica razvijenih za potrebe sličnih istraži-vanja. Ukupno je valjano ispunjeno 335 upitnika, a odgovori ispitanika podvrgnuti su nizu statističkih testova kako bi se potvrdila pouzdanost i valjanost mjernog instrumenta. Hipoteze su testirane primjenom modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi.Rezultati i implikacije -Rezultati pokazuju da su percipirana kompatibilnost, percipirana korisnost i subjektivne norme značajne prethodnice stava prema korištenju usluga mobilnoga plaćanja. Znači, percipirana sigurnost i percipirana jednostavnost korištenja nemaju značajan utjecaj na stav o uslugama mobilnog plaćanja. Konačno, stav prema uslugama mobilnoga plaćanja ima značajan utjecaj na namjeru korištenja ovih usluga. Istraživanje doprinosi razvoju Technology acceptance model (TAM) teorije općenito i u kontekstu usluga mobilnog plaćanja. Ispituje se istraživačka sposobnost ove teorije te predlažu nove varijable kao proširenja modela. Limitations -The fact that the sample includes respondents from only one country (Pakistan) could be considered the main limitation of this study. A cross-cultural study would likely lead to important knowledge since cultural context has proved to be important in previous research on intentions. Also, the sample used here comprises mostly young and educated people.Originality -The present research study empirically tests the signifi cance of newly suggested TAM extensions (subjective norm and perceived security) and provides a complete and tested measurement instrument as a basis for future research.Keywords -intention to use mobile pay...