The energy required by tissues (e.g., for movement, biosynthesis, ion transport, and for maintenance of structures) is obtained at a molecular level by the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP. The resynthesis of ATP occurs in the processes of fuel oxidation within the cell. Since ATP is not stored in the cell, any increase in the rate of energy demand by a cell must result in an immediate and precise increase in the rate of fuel oxidation to provide the necessary ATP. In addition to these rapid regulatory responses, many animals and plants are subject to longer term changes in both the capacity for energy production and its utilisation by virtue of seasonal changes in environmental temperature, food availability, reproductive requirements, and behavioural demands. The modifications in metabolic pathways of energy storage, production, and utilisation with the progression of the seasons clearly enables organisms to take advantage of favourable conditions, as well as to survive particularly unfavourable conditions.Various fuels (e.g., glucose, glycogen, fatty acids, triglyceride, and amino acids) are available for oxidation by the individual tissues and these follow different routes or pathways of metabolism. One very important question for biologists and physiologists is: Which fuel(s) is being used to provide most of the energy for a given tissue? Indeed, knowledge of the maximum capacity of energy-producing pathways is required before the physiological importance of the pathway can be appreciated and, in some cases, before the physiological role of the tissue can be properly assessed.Various experimental techniques for the precise measurement of flux through a pathway have been developed largely over the past 30 years. A description of methods has been given elsewhere (Newsholme et al., '78; Newsholme et al., '80), but one of these, which depends on the measurement of the maximum activities of certain key enzymes, is described in detail in this article. This method has several advantages over others; it is very simple, it can be used for comparative studies of a large range of animals, and it can be used in humans (or any large animal), usually with minimum surgical intervention. Unfortunately, its very simplicit has led to its misapplication leading to a lac$ of confidence in the technique. For this reason, the theoretical practical basis for the choice of enzymes that can be used as flux indicators is described below, together with details of the practical approach to obtaining the quantitative information and, finally, some examples of its use.
THEORETICAL BASIS FOR THE USE OF MAXIMUM ENZYME ACTIVITIES AS INDICATORS OF MAXIMUM FLUXBefore the reasons behind the choice of enzyme can be understood, the difference between near-equilibrium and nonequilibrium reactions must be explained, and the meaning of the term flux-generating step must be appreciated (for detailed reviews, see Newsholme and Crabtree, 1976,1979.
Near-equilibrium, nonequilibrium and flux-generating reactionsNear-equilibrium and nonequilibrium reactionsReac...