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Confirmation of Authorship
Ms. Ref. No.: WOM2019-D-18-00084Title: The effect of frequency on both the debris and the development of the tribologically transformed structure during fretting wear of a high strength steel
Wear of Materials 2019Response to reviewer's comments We are grateful to the reviewer and editor for the input on this paper, and for giving us the opportunity to revise it. We have responded to the comments point-by-point (as outlined below), but in addition, would like to summarise the most significant change here.We acknowledge that the relationships between physical processes were not expressed as clearly as necessary in the discussion section which led to comments 4 and 5 from the reviewer. In response to these comments, we have developed an interaction diagram to illustrate the complexity of the relationships between the test parameters, their effect on the physical processes, and thus the outcomes in terms of material damage mechanisms. This new diagram has been included in Section 4, page 16.The original text from the reviewer is in standard font, whilst our responses are in italics. Revisions to the manuscript are highlighted.
Reviewer commentsThis paper is interesting. However, there are some points requiring further explanation. Thus, it is necessary to revise the original manuscript accordingly to improve the quality for the journal before being finally accepted.1) The oxide debris bed, TTS, defomed layer should be clearly indicated in Figs. 9-12. Furthermore, where the crack run should be indicated in these figures.
Response:The distinct regions have been marked on Fig. 9 (the low magnification view) given that it includes the whole areas shown in and that this approach minimises the obscuration of features of note shown at higher magnifications."The third body layer (TBL) and TTS layers have been marked for clarity" (Section 3.4, page 7).2) Were any repeat tests done for each condition? If repeat tests were carried out, please add this to the descriptions and results. The error bar should be used to clarify the difference in the data.
Response:We have conducted repeat tests,...