Since 1998 ASDEX Upgrade has developed stationary H-modes that routinely obtain confinement enhancement factors H98(y,2) > 1 and normalized beta, βN = 2–3. These discharges are characterized by a q-profile with low magnetic shear in the centre and q(0) ∼ 1. New results presented here concentrate on extending the operational range of these improved H-modes at ASDEX Upgrade and extrapolating the results to ITER. Discharges are obtained at high density, over a wide range of plasma collisionality and with a first wall predominantly covered by tungsten coated carbon tiles. The performance is optimized for q95 ranging from 3 to 5. At q95 ∼ 3 real time control of βN is used and in some cases ECCD to suppress NTM activity at low βN ∼ 2. For the extrapolation to ITER, the fusion power is calculated using the same thermal beta (βN,th) and kinetic profile shapes as obtained in ASDEX Upgrade and setting ⟨ne⟩/nGW = 0.85. The fusion gain that could be obtained is evaluated using different confinement scaling expressions. The results indicate that improved H-modes are a candidate for an ITER hybrid scenario or could extend ITER operation beyond what is currently foreseen using standard H-modes.