First of all, I would like to express my profound thanks to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof.Zaher Judeh, for his patience, guidance and encouragement. This work would not have been possible without his valuable insights, suggestions and support. Next, I would also like to express my grattitude to my co-supervisor, Asst. Prof. Yusuf Ali, as well as my mentor, Assoc. Prof. Raymond Lau, for their kind support and encouragement. I would like to show my heartfelt appreciation to Prof. Subbu Venkatraman and Prof. Liu Xuewei who have kindly allowed me to tap into the facilities in their laboratory. Not forgetting the guidance that Dr. Zhang Yi Ming and Dr. Kho Shu Hui have provided me with in biological cell work and NMR analysis respectively. I am also thankful to Dr. Khong Duc Thing, who has offered me numerous advice and guidance in the beginning of my research work. Without his help and support, I would not have been able to complete this journey. Not forgetting my direct senior, Dr. Ong Li Lin, who has been providing with useful insights and guiding me all along right from the start of the project. In addition, I am also grateful to my lab mates, Shuddhodana and Varsha and my friends from SCBE-William, Lim Yun, Rita, Felix and Kuan Rei for their encouraging support. I would also like to thank SCBE Professional Officer and Lab Technicians, Dr. Ong Teng Teng, Jessica and Chea Boon, for providing technical assistance. I am also grateful to School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering NTU, which has provided me with the necessary research facilities and environment. Most importantly, I would like to express my appreciation to Interdisciplinary Graduate School (IGS) for offering the scholarship to me. Without their generosity, this journey would not have been made possible. I am also grateful to the administrative staff from IGS and IGS-HealthTech NTU for their assistance throughout the past years. This journey has been rather taxing and I am ever thankful to all my close friends-Shu Hui, Yun Hui, Hwee Ping, Regina and Timothy who have showered me with constant support and encouragement. Not forgetting my friends whom I have made over the two years of my stay in CresPion hall. Last but not least, I owe the deepest grattitude to my dearest familymy parents and sisters, for their unwavering support and encouragement.