Abstract:As a response to the increased demand for timely and ongoing assurance over the effectiveness of risk management and control systems, companies are moving towards a more automated control environment through the implementation of continuous audit modules. The purpose of this study is to evaluate external auditors' reliance on internal audit's work when advanced audit techniques are introduced by the internal auditor and the impact this reliance has on budgeted audit hours. Prior literature suggests that internal control deficiencies also have an impact on external auditor reliance and the audit budget. The reliance decision of an external auditor has important economic consequences and implications for efficiency and effectiveness of the overall audit. In recent years, the PCAOB has encouraged greater such reliance to improve audit efficiency. An experiment is conducted with 87 experienced external auditors to investigate the theorized effects. Using a 2 x 2 between subjects factorial design, the frequency of the internal audit (traditional vs. continuous audit) and prior year material weakness (absent vs. present) are manipulated. Consistent with predictions, we find that auditors are willing to rely more on internal audit work in a continuous audit environment than in a traditional environment, and this effect is magnified when the prior year audit report on the effectiveness of internal controls indicates that controls are working properly. The presence of a material weakness, however, negatively impacts judgments on the budget for the valuation of a complex account. In addition, both material weakness and continuous audit have an impact on the overall audit budget, which is reduced only when the company has no prior year material weakness and a functioning continuous audit module is put in place. The results show that auditors increase budgeted hours for the engagement at a higher rate when the client uses traditional internal audit procedures.Keywords: Continuous Audit; Continuous Monitoring; Material Weakness; Internal Audit Reliance; Audit Budgets 3
INTRODUCTIONCompanies are under constant pressure to improve the reliability and accountability of their financial information in order to comply with regulatory bodies and to compete for capital in the evolving global business environment. As a response to global demands for timely and ongoing assurance over the effectiveness of risk management and control systems, companies are increasingly moving towards automated control environments through the implementation of technologies such as continuous audit modules (PwC 2006;IIA 2009;Protiviti 2013).Continuous audit is defined as "a method used to perform control and risk assessments automatically on a more frequent basis" (Coderre, 2006, pg. 1). Continuous audit technology allows ongoing audit testing of financial transactions and associated controls in real time. The internal audit profession is thus better equipped for addressing the needs of stakeholders, in spite of the challenges it faces: question...