In today's turbulent business environment, acquiring and developing leadership skills is one of the key challenges for managers, and emotional and social competencies are predominant among such skills. Possession of this specific set of competencies is a key factor necessary for building a positive psychological climate in an organization. The subject of the paper is the analysis of social competencies of manager, particularly social awareness (empathy and organizational awareness) and relationship management (conflict management, coach and mentor, influence, inspirational leadership and teamwork), as well as the analysis of leadership outcomes manifested through perceived leadership effectiveness by the employees, employee satisfaction with immediate superiors and encouraging employees by managers to put an extra effort into doing their job. The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between social competencies of manager and the outcomes of leadership. The research was conducted on a sample of 30 employees in 8 organizations with more than 50 employees. Standardized ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory) and MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) questionnaires were used for the purpose of the research. Data analysis was performed using Spearman rank correlation and standard multiple regression. SPSS 25.0 software was used for data processing. A limitation of the study is the sample size.