“…Hammamat series are divided into two main subdivisions (Akaad & El‐Ramly, ): - Igla Formation (the lower one), at the type locality of Wadi Igla, is mainly composed of sandstones, siltstones, and mudstones with basal conglomerates. They are represented by a clastic bedded succession of a characteristic brick red to purple colour, (Fowler & Osman, ; Genna, Nehlig, Le Goff, Guerrot, & Shanti, ; Wilde & Youssef, ) exposed in several molasse basins such as Wadi El‐Qash, Wadi Queih, and El Kareim basin (Abd El‐Wahed, ).
- Shihimiya Formation (the upper one) includes conglomerates, greywackes, arenites, and mudstones with greenish colour due to chloritization and epidotization (Akaad, ; Akaad & El‐Ramly, ; Rice, Osman, Abdeen, Sadek, & Ragab, ; Samuel, Roufaiel, Hilmy, & Moussa, ). The Shihimiya formation is diverse and includes clasts of ophiolites, arc metavolcanics, arc granitoids, metasediments, Dokhan volcanics, and pink and red granites (Akaad & Noweir, ; Hassan & Hashad, ; Messner, , b; Ries et al, ).