ABSTRACT. In order to investigate the toxic effects of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) on placental development, we examined sequential morphology in the placentas from rats exposed to 6-MP. 6-MP was intraperitoneally administered at 60 mg/kg during gestation days (GDs) 11 to 12, and the placentas were sampled on GD 13, 15 or 21. In the 6-MP-treated group, maternal body weight suppression, increased death embryo/fetus ratio and some malformations were observed. The placenta weights were decreased on GDs 15 and 21. Macroscopically, placentas on GD 21 were small, brittle and thin with a white peripheral rim. Histopathologically, in the labyrinth zone, 6-MP treatment mainly evoked decreased mitosis on GDs 13 and 15, increased apoptotic cell on GDs 13, 15 and 21 and thinning on GDs 15 and 21. In the basal zone, 6-MP evoked decreased mitosis on GDs 13, and PAS-positive material in the spongiotrophoblasts was still detected on GD 15. Thickening of the basal zone was observed with cytolysis of glycogen cells, apoptosis and an increased number of composed cells on GD 21. In conclusion, 6-MP administration in pregnant rats induced growth arrest of the labyrinth zone and developmental delay in the basal zone, leading to small placentas. The fetotoxicity of 6-MP may be responsible for its direct anti-proliferative effects and resulting placental dysfunction.