Transparent glasses were prepared from processed nepheline syenite-magnesite mixtures. Incorporation of TiO 2 in the base glasses changes the glass colour from white to amber or dark brown. Translucent porcelainous glass ceramics with white, creamy and a variety of bluish colorations were obtained in glasses containing non-magnetic nepheline syenite. However, dark marblelike glass ceramics were developed in glasses containing middling and tailing nepheline syenite. Aluminium diopside [Ca(Mg,Al)(Si,Al) 2 O 6 ], nepheline, forsterite, magnesium titanate MgTi 2 O 5 and hematite were developed by heat treatment of these glasses. SEM micrographs tend to show fine and uniform bulk with increasing Fe 2 O 3 contents in the parent glass ceramic samples, however addition of TiO 2 enhances nucleation and the microstructure becomes of evenly good uniform fine structure in the sample with lowest iron content.