“…One phenomenon that appears to be a common factor in the dynamics of the helping relationshipeducational or otherwise -is transference, an unconscious displacement of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours from a previous significant relationship onto a current relationship (Robertson, 1999, 152) Citing Douglas L. Robertson, the authors of the article "The Role of Unconscious Awareness of Teachers within Teacher-child Relationship" Gölbaşı and Önder (2017) -Overreaction to a specific student, sudden impairment of a relationship with a student, distant and hostile behaviours, -Defensive behaviours (withdrawing support or ignoring the student), -Aggressive communication between the teacher and the student, -Emotional distance of the student or oversensitivity for a student's absence, -Teacher's decentralization of her own authority, treating students as equal, or a parental figure (mother or father) or a child figure, -Transferring to traditional gender roles while behaving in a non-sexist manner, -Preserving boundaries although removing the barriers toward a specific student, -Student's intolerance to criticism, perceiving criticism as an attack to her personality or oversensitivity to a specific student's criticism, -Unexplained learning difficulties (writing, mathematics, communication or thinking), -Too much need for approval of the teacher and vice versa, -Fear of a teacher or fear of a student, -To feel an obligation to "save" a student or quite the contrary student's feeling of an obligation to save a teacher, -Student's envy for or competition with the teacher or a teacher's envy of or competition with a student. (Gölbaşı & Önder, 2017, p. 135) Unfortunately, we must admit that the educational system in schools is failing.…”