DNA ligase I (LIG1) catalyzes the ligation of single-strand breaks to complete DNA replication and repair. The energy of ATP is used to form a new phosphodiester bond in DNA via a reaction mechanism that involves three distinct chemical steps: enzyme adenylylation, adenylyl transfer to DNA, and nick sealing. We used steady state and pre-steady state kinetics to characterize the minimal mechanism for DNA ligation catalyzed by human LIG1. The ATP dependence of the reaction indicates that LIG1 requires multiple Mg 2؉ ions for catalysis and that an essential Mg 2؉ ion binds more tightly to ATP than to the enzyme. Further dissection of the magnesium ion dependence of individual reaction steps revealed that the affinity for Mg 2؉ changes along the reaction coordinate. At saturating concentrations of ATP and Mg 2؉ ions, the three chemical steps occur at similar rates, and the efficiency of ligation is high. However, under conditions of limiting Mg 2؉ , the nick-sealing step becomes rate-limiting, and the adenylylated DNA intermediate is prematurely released into solution. Subsequent adenylylation of enzyme prevents rebinding to the adenylylated DNA intermediate comprising an Achilles' heel of LIG1. These ligase-generated 5-adenylylated nicks constitute persistent breaks that are a threat to genomic stability if they are not repaired. The kinetic and thermodynamic framework that we have determined for LIG1 provides a starting point for understanding the mechanism and specificity of mammalian DNA ligases.Breaks in DNA result from spontaneous hydrolysis of the phosphodiester backbone and are formed as transient intermediates during DNA replication and repair pathways. Mammals have three genes encoding DNA ligases that seal these breaks and restore the continuous nature of chromosomes. DNA ligase I (LIG1) 2 is essential for ligation of single-strand breaks in the nucleus, including the ligation of Okazaki fragments during discontinuous DNA replication (1). DNA ligase III (LIG3) is required for mitochondrial DNA replication and repair. Although LIG3 has been assumed to play essential roles in nuclear DNA repair, it was recently shown to be dispensable for nuclear genomic maintenance (2, 3). DNA ligase IV (LIG4) is specialized for repair of nuclear double-strand breaks and is required for nonhomologous end joining and V(D)J recombination (4, 5).The overall reaction catalyzed by DNA ligases involves the formation of a phosphodiester bond between an adjacent 3Ј-hydroxyl and a 5Ј-phosphate in DNA. The reaction proceeds via a universally conserved pathway ( Fig. 1) (6 -8). First, the apoenzyme catalyzes transfer of the AMP group from a nucleotide cofactor to an active site lysine, forming an adenylylated enzyme intermediate. Eukaryotic ligases use ATP as the adenylyl group donor, whereas bacterial ligases utilize either ATP or NAD ϩ . After binding a nicked DNA substrate, the adenylylated enzyme catalyzes transfer of the adenylyl group to the 5Ј-phosphate present at the nick, forming an adenylylated DNA intermediate. In the fina...