Handling hoaxes is the responsibility of journalism, and Digital Journalism must act as a beacon of accurate information in society. Ethical and reliable journalism fosters a healthy cycle of information dissemination. The rapid and widespread accessibility of information on social media inundates the public with unverified content. Mainstream media outlets have adopted strategies to maintain speed while upholding the quality of their coverage. One effective approach employed by online media is the media incubator strategy, where subdomains are developed under the main domain to swiftly gather information from various regions, including PR FM and Minds of the People Media Networks (PRMN). Consequently, the Community Service Program (PKM) with a focus on editorial targets in media subdomains at PR FM and PRMN becomes vital. This initiative involved providing training by technology practitioners, press professionals, and academics from Fikom Unisba. The training emphasized online and digital journalism, with a strong emphasis on journalistic ethics in news and feature writing, as well as utilizing technology for news reporting. The results of this activity demonstrated a significant improvement in the cognitive insight of the journalists, as evident from the difference in pre-test and post-test scores conducted before and after the training.
Keywords: digital journalism, subdomain media, journalists