Rapid development of high-performance genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolic technologies led to an information explosion in the field of plant biology and agrobiology. To date, the number of scientific publications on only one of the most important agricultural crops of Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) has exceeded 1.5 million. Effective access to knowledge distributed over such a multitude of non-formalized natural language textual sources requires the use of special computer-assisted intelligent methods of data mining (text-mining). However, in the literature, there is no data on the application of intellectual methods of automatic knowledge extraction from publications on agricultural crops, such as potato. Previously we have developed a pilot version of the SOLANUM TUBEROSUM knowledge base. SOLANUM TUBEROSUM is a computer platform for complex intellectual processing of large data bodies, including (1) automatic analysis of scientific publications and databases for extraction of information on genetics, markers, breeding, diagnostics, protection and storage technologies for potato, (2) formalized representation of extracted information in the knowledge base, (3) user access to these data, (4) analysis and visualization of query results. The ontology of the SOLANUM TUBEROSUM knowledge base contains dictionaries of molecular genetic objects (proteins, genes, metabolites, microRNAs, biomarkers); phenotypic characteristics of potato varieties; potato diseases and pests; biotic/abiotic environmental factors; potato agrobiotechnologies. This article describes the current version of the SOLANUM TUBEROSUM knowledge base developed from an extensive analysis of scientific publications on the moleculargenetic regulation of metabolic pathways in potatoes, as well as model plant organisms (maize, rice, Arabidopsis thaliana). In total, about 9,000 full-text articles and more than 130,000 abstracts of PubMed were analyzed. With the help of automatic analysis of scientific publications, more than 59,000 facts on molecular genetic interactions and genetic regulation were identified, and the analysis of Быстрое развитие высокопроизводительных геномных, транс-криптомных, протеомных и метаболомных технологий обусло-вило эффект «информационного взрыва» в области биологии растений. На сегодняшний день число научных публикаций только по одной важнейшей сельскохозяйственной культуре Solanum tuberosum L. (картофель) превышает 1.5 млн. Эффек-тивный доступ к знаниям, распределенным по такому множе-ству неформализованных естественно-языковых текстовых источников, требует применения специальных компьютерных интеллектуальных методов анализа текстов (text mining). Од-нако в литературе нет данных о широком использовании ин-теллектуальных методов автоматического извлечения знаний из научных публикаций по сельскохозяйственным культурам, таким как картофель. Ранее нами была разработана пилотная версия базы знаний SOLANUM TUBEROSUM, представляющая собой компьютерную платформу для комплексной интеллек-туальной обработки больших данных, в...