Correlation between the RPRS total and WAIS FSIQ showed that approximately 43% of the variance in the RPRS total can be accounted for by the variance in the FSIQ. Verbal IQ is not significantly higher correlated with the RPRS total than the Performance IQ (p ~ .10).Factor analysis of the 6 RPRS subscores resulted in 2 factors. Subsequent factor analysis of the 6 RPRS subscores plus FSIQ and the factor analysis of the 6 RPRS subscores plus PIQ and VIQ showed the first factor to be an intelligence factor accounting f~r 85% of the common variance. The RPRS variables FL, FM, M and Sh loaded on this factor.The second factor was a nonintelligence factor accounting for 15% of the common variance. Small m is clearly the main determinant of this factor followed by Sh. In addition, the results of 2 exploratory factor analyses are discussed. The first exploratory factor analysis involved 23 variables, namely the 6 RPRS subscores, RPRS total, the 11 WAIS subscales, FSIQ, VIQ, PIQ, VIS and OABD. The second exploratory analysis involved 17 variables, namely the 6 RPRS subscores and the 11 WAIS subscales.