Rorschach (1942) originally observed that the human movement (M) response correlated with intelligence. Since then many investigators have confirmed this relationship, but the details of the relationship have received scant attention. In pursuing the relationship between the inhibition process, investigated by means of the Rorschach M response, and intelligence, the present authors undertook a survey of the reported relationship between M and various measures of intelligence. The results of this survey are presented in Table I. 1 It will be noted there is a striking uniformity in the magnitude of correlation between M and IQ. Across a variety of groups and with differing measures of intelligence, the correlations are generally low, but significant, and with the exception of two studies (Altus & Thompson, 1949; 19S2) only linear relationships are reported. The median value of the M-IQ correlations is .26. 2 Second, we noted