“…% agreement reported in study ranged from 70-93% for 11 categories with only two categories below 80% Lerner & St. Peter (1984b, p. 346) a % agreement for both human differentiation and content above 90% Meyer (1993, p. 157) % agreement calculated for response categories. Agreement ranged from 74-97%, with a mean of 89.2% Perry & Braff (1994, p. 365) ⌲s ranged between .88 and .97 for EII and subcomponents Perry, McDougall, & Viglione (1995, p. 115 Silberg & Armstrong (1992) % agreement on a sample of 10 protocols ranged from 91-95%; % agreement for special scores was 94% Singer & Brabender (1993) % agreement across response categories ranged from 84-93%, with a mean of 86.9% Sloan, Arsenault, Hilsenroth, Harvill, & Handler (1995) 20 protocols were chosen randomly and scored independently, achieving an overall % agreement of 88%; range 84-93% Sloan, Arsenault, Hilsenroth, Handler & Harvill (1996) 20 protocols were chosen randomly and scored independently, with an overall % agreement of 88% Stuart, Westen, Lohr, Benjamin, Becker, Vorus, & Silk (1990) a ⌲, ranging from .62-.96; above .80 for 9 of 13 scales.…”