When corrected for the effects of cosmic ray exposure, Mo and Ru nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies in iron meteorites from at least nine different parent bodies are strongly correlated in a manner consistent with variable depletion in s-process nucleosynthetic components. In contrast to prior studies, the new results show no significant deviations from a single correlation trend. In the refined Mo-Ru cosmic correlation, a distinction between the non-carbonaceous (NC) group and carbonaceous chondrite (CC) group is evident. Members of the NC group are characterized by isotope compositions reflective of variable s-process depletion. Members of the CC group analyzed here plot in a tight cluster and have the most s-process depleted Mo and Ru isotopic compositions, with Mo isotopes also slightly enriched in rand possibly p-process contributions. This indicates that the nebular feeding zone of the NC group parent bodies was characterized by Mo and Ru with variable s-process contributions, but with the two elements always mixed in the same proportions. The CC parent bodies sampled here, by contrast, were derived from a nebular feeding zone that had been mixed to a uniform s-process depleted Mo-Ru isotopic composition. Six molybdenite samples, four glacial diamictites, and two ocean island basalts were analyzed to provide a preliminary constraint on the average Mo isotope composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE). Combined results yield an average μ 97 Mo value of +3 ± 6. This value, coupled with a previously reported μ 100 Ru value of +1 ± 7 for the BSE, indicates that the isotopic composition of the BSE falls precisely on the refined Mo-Ru cosmic correlation. The overlap of the BSE with the correlation implies that there was homogeneous accretion of siderophile elements for the final accretion of 10 to 20 wt% of Earth's mass. The only known cosmochemical materials with an isotopic match to the BSE, with regard to Mo and Ru, are some members of the IAB iron meteorite complex and enstatite chondrites.