We demonstrate a feature of the Rydberg blockade mechanism which occurs between two initially excited circular Rydberg atoms. When both atoms are exposed to weak time-dependent electric fields, it is shown that the intrashell dynamics of each atom is strongly modified by the presence of the other. Three characteristic dynamical regimes are identified with separating radii which both scale linearly with principal quantum number n for otherwise constant field parameters. A region of conditional entangled electron dynamics is separated from the outer asymptotic region of independent atom dynamics through a conditional radius, Rc. An inner region, where both atoms becomes locked in their initial state, is again separated from the conditional region by a smaller blocking radius, Rb. About 10 years ago it was discovered that the large dipole moment of Rydberg states of interacting atoms can induce a detuning which effectively prohibits more than a single atom to become optically excited within a given volume [1,2]. Thus, in an atomic cloud exposed to a driving optical excitation scheme, the dipole-dipole interaction sets up an entangled multiparticle state with special correlation properties. Recently, the dipole blockade mechanism has been measured in controlled two-atom experiments with high-lying Rydberg states of rubidium [3,4] as well as in cold gases [5][6][7]. In addition to the fascinating exploration of exotic quantum dynamics in mesoscopic systems, the dipole blockade opens for applications within quantum information [8]. Here a number of quantum gates based on single-atom gates and conditional two-atom gates and protocols involving a large number of atoms have been proposed [9].Isolated Rydberg atoms can be experimentally prepared in almost any given linear combinations of spherical l,m states of a given principal quantum number n, including circular states (magnetic quantum number m = ±(n − 1)), coherent elliptical states (corresponding to classical states of fixed eccentricity [10]), or strongly polarized Stark states (Stark quantum number k ∼ n) [11][12][13]. Experiments where recent progress has realized trapping and probing of conditional dynamics of two single atoms may therefore also probe intrashell dynamics of two initially excited Rydberg atoms. From the point of view of optical driving frequencies between ground-state atoms |g and a single Rydberg level |e , the dynamics of this setup seems at first sight only to amount to a trivial phase development, as the combined initial state in fact is the dipole blocked dark state |ee of the optical excitation scheme. However, when considering the response of Rydberg atoms to weak, time-dependent electric and magnetic fields, it is clear that for these interactions the initial state couple effectively to a manifold of intrashell states |e i ,e j . In fact, the isolated atom intrashell dynamics can be completely controlled and driven between certain initial and final states with 100% transition probability for any n level [14].In this Brief Report we explor...