A unified model is based on a generalized gauge symmetry with groups [SU3c] color ×(SU2×U1)×[U 1b ×U 1l ].It implies that all interactions should preserve conservation laws of baryon number, lepton number, and electric charge, etc. The baryonic U 1b , leptonic U 1l and color SU3c gauge transformations are generalized to involve nonintegrable phase factors. One has gauge invariant fourth-order equations for massless gauge fields, which leads to linear potentials in the [U 1b ×U 1l ] and color [SU3c] sectors. We discuss possible cosmological implications of the new baryonic gauge field. It can produce a very small constant repulsive force between two baryon galaxies (or between two anti-baryon galaxies), where the baryon force can overcome the gravitational force at very large distances and leads to an accelerated cosmic expansion. Based on conservation laws in the unified model, we discuss a simple rotating dumbbell universe with equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, which may be pictured as two gigantic rotating clusters of galaxies. Within the gigantic baryonic cluster, a galaxy will have an approximately linearly accelerated expansion due to the effective force of constant density of all baryonic matter. The same expansion happens in the gigantic anti-baryonic cluster. Physical implications of the generalized gauge symmetry on charmonium confining potentials due to new SU3c field equations, frequency shift of distant supernovae Ia and their experimental tests are discussed.