It is becoming increasingly apparent that translational control plays an important role in the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Most of the known physiological effects on translation are exerted at the level of polypeptide chain initiation. Research on initiation of translation over the past five years has yielded much new information, which can be divided into three main areas: (a) structure and function of initiation factors (including identification by sequencing studies of consensus domains and motifs) and investigation of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions during initiation ; (b) physiological regulation of initiation factor activities and (c) identification of features in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of messenger RNA molecules that regulate the selection of these mRNAs for translation. This review aims to assess recent progress in these three areas and to explore their interrelationships.Keywords: translation; initiation; mRNA ; review, regulation.In 1986 I published a review describing the mechanism and regulation of initiation of translation in mammalian cells 121. By that time most of the polypeptide initiation factors catalysing this process had been extensively purified and their individual activities studied in various in vitro systems. Several of them had been shown to be phosphoproteins and, in one case, eukaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF-2), the effects of phosphorylation had been elucidated and two physiological kinases had been identified. There seemed to be a feeling in some circles that the most interesting problems in protein synthesis had been solved, and that only a few rather boring nuts and bolts awaited discovery.Over the intervening ten years there has been an explosion of research activity in this area, largely fuelled by information yielded by molecular biology and genetic techniques. Cloning of cDNAs encoding initiation factors has revealed domain structures indicative of function and potential regulatory mechanisms. Experiments exploiting the ability to elucidate and manipulate mRNA sequences have demonstrated that translational control contributes to changes in patterns of gene expression during growth, differentiation and development to an extent that would have seemed inconceivable in 1985. Such experiments have, in particular, revealed important roles for structural fea- UTR, untranslated region (in mRNA); RRM, RNA recognition motif; ORF, open reading frame; EMCV, encephalomyocarditis virus ; FMDV, foot-and-mouth disease virus ; IRES, internal ribosome entry segment ; PTB, polypyrimidine tract binding protein ; HCR, heme-controlled repressor; PKR, protein kinase activated by RNA; dsRNA, doublestranded RNA; p70ShK and p 9 0 k , 70 kDa and 90-92 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinases ; GSK, glycogen synthase kinase ; IRE, iron-regulatory element; IRP, iron regulatory protein ; PABP, poly(A) binding protein; AMV, alfalfa mosaic virus ; CPE, cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (also known as ACE, adenylation control element); MAP, mitogenactivated protei...