Phenylephrine, a potent sympathomimetic, induces mydriasis via iris dilator muscle contraction. Intracameral (IC) phenylephrine has been successfully used in cataract surgery for initial mydriasis, maintaining mydriasis, and management of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome. Serious systemic adverse events (mainly cardiovascular) have been described with topical phenylephrine drops, but we found very little evidence of such adverse events associated with IC phenylephrine use. However, we suspect under-reporting of such adverse events, as they may instead be ascribed to anxiety, positioning, anaesthesia, etc. Optimal dosage/concentrations for IC phenylephrine use in different purposes have not been fully studied. In the absence of robust evidence, we suggest that lower but effective IC phenylephrine concentrations are used: a lower concentration (0.31%), in conjunction with an anticholinergic and lidocaine, may be used for initial mydriasis. For management of intraoperative floppy iris syndrome, 0.31% may be effective, though a higher concentration (1-1.25%) may be required.