Summary:We studied the habitat structure (macrofaunal assemblages and bottom types) and zonation patterns of 29 unvegetated shoreline strands along the 900-km coast of Catalonia (NW Mediterranean Sea). Organisms were sampled with grabs, pitfall traps, sticky traps, clam nets and spades to ensure capture of the different proportions of macrofaunal assemblages from the supra-, medio-and infralittoral levels. We collected 211 taxa: 194 animals and 17 algae. The most abundant and dominant organisms collected with van Veen grabs were Nematoda, Oligochaeta and Collembola at the supralittoral level; the polychaetes Saccocirrus spp. and Pisione remota, the amphipod Corophium orientale, Nematoda, and Turbellaria at the mediolittoral level; and Nematoda at the upper infralittoral level. SIMPER analysis revealed great dissimilarity between the organisms inhabiting the supralittoral and the other littoral levels. Regarding the epifauna, the sticky traps used at the supralittoral level mainly collected Collembola, which were nearly absent in pitfall traps. The qualitative study performed with a clam net and a small spade revealed that Nematoda, Saccocirrus spp., Turbellaria, Nemertea and the polychaete P. remota were the most abundant animals at both the medio-and the infralittoral levels and no differences were found between these levels. Different qualitative sampling methodologies showed that in fine sediments the bivalves Donax trunculus and D. semistriatus determined more than 97% of dissimilarity from coarse-sand sites. Richness increased in protected sandy and cobble shores. Littoral level and bottom-type features were only to a certain extent valid indicators of specific biotic components for a specific habitat.Keywords: macrofauna; zonation patterns; littoral habitats; Catalonia; beach.
Estructura de los hábitats y patrones de zonación en playas del Mediterráneo noroccidentalResumen: Se ha estudiado la estructura de los hábitats (comunidades de macrofauna y tipos de sedimento) y los patrones de zonación de 29 playas desprovistas de vegetación a lo largo de los 900 km de la costa de Cataluña (Mediterráneo noroccidental). El muestreo de los organismos se realizó mediante dragas, trampas de caída, trampas adhesivas, redes de marisqueo y palas para asegurar una captura exhaustiva de los organismos presentes en las comunidades de macrofauna de los niveles supralitoral, mediolitoral e infralitoral. Se colectaron 211 taxones: 194 animales y 17 algas. Los organismos más abundantes y dominantes recolectados con dragas van Veen fueron: Nematodos, Oligoquetos y Colémbolos en el nivel supralitoral; los poliquetos Saccocirrus spp. y Pisione remota, el anfípodo Corophium orientale, Nematodos y Turbelarios en el nivel mediolitoral; y Nematodos en la parte menos profunda del nivel infralitoral. Los análisis SIMPER detectaron grandes diferencias entre los organismos del nivel supralitoral y los de los otros niveles. Respecto a la epifauna, las trampas adhesivas usadas en el nivel supralitoral capturaron principalmente Colémbolos, lo...